Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A plug

The end of 2009 was the end of my tenure as one of the editors of the Cambridge Classical Journal, what was formerly known as the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. Now I am no longer an editor, I can without major embarrassment commend it to all those of you who are looking for a place to submit that cutting-edge piece of classical research. It's a general classics journal that recently has published a lot on the reception of classical antiquity as well as pieces on textual criticism, linguistics, philosophy, archaeology, art history, history, and classical literature. Although some of the papers have been presented to meetings of the society, many more have not.

While I'm at it I could even plug the society, membership of which gives you a subscription to the annual journal. It's a bargain and tax deductible for UK tax payers...

All the details you could want are here.


Mrl said...

You might want to suggest to the society an easier way to become a member: a banker's order isn't something that is regularly accepted outside UK, where I live.

James Warren said...

You're perfectly right and it is something I've tried to recommend to the society in the past. An email to philological@classics.cam.ac.uk explaining your needs might help.

Mrl said...

Indeed I have done so in the past (about five years ago) and received a reply from yourself, stating that the Society does not accept payment by credit card. So things haven't changed.

James Warren said...

Yes; sorry about that. We have someone new administering these things now so perhaps a new inquiry might help.

Mrl said...

Thanks, I will try it.